small businesses for moms

Online Business is an easy option for Single Moms in Australia

  Through their lives, single moms live more troubled life following divorce. One in four marriages ends in divorce which may be caused by different reasons.  This can be daunting especially if you are facing increasing childcare cost and a family to raise.  One in five homes has kids less than 14 years headed by a single mom. With nobody to help, they go to work daily to pay their own bills, do some house cleaning, help the kids with homework and cook for dinner. Sometimes you have to chase kids down the stairs. This can be frustrating and can make you snap sometimes.  It’s very difficult. 24% of children under the care of single parent in Australia live in poverty. For single moms without jobs before divorce, looking for a job is not easy in Australia. The lesser percentage who have jobs experience workplace inflexibility and unequal pay. You’ve …